Greetings and peace, not love does not know it. Let's first identify the origin of his name, issue Popping Rod Shimano Caranx named kaibutsu this:
Caranx refer to the wiki means a genus of tropical to subtropical marine fish in the jack family Carangidae, commonly Irma jacks, trevallies and kingfishes, while ..
Kaibutsu mentioned in jepunya language is known as Monster ...
Thus when the two reunited this word "Caranx Kaibutsu" then, can be summed up in the Malay language called GTBagak!! .. Tp if called GT Bagak .. it's like popping rod plaque dishonored nie.
Included a brief description taken from the Shimano website.
Caranx Kaibutsu Popping rods are designed for popping Monster GT, be it Boat or shore based Popping. These rods have extremely durables blanks that's emphasizes on durability, power & castability. Harsh with the nature of this sport, GT anglers appreciated how the rod is Able to outcast other rods & yet have the power to stop dead on the GTS are solely for tracks. Choose from the Different actions from the Caranx Kaibutsu range to suit your fishing Styles.
Features offered
- Fuji SIC Guides
- Blank Direct to Reelseat Bonding
- High Density Carbon fibre
- Friction Groove
- Butt Joint
- Aluminium Gimbal
- High Density Velvet EVA Grip
If we view the catalog or specsifikasinya only can we not get an overview of the capabilities and keselesaanya anglers. Therefore here is a little review that I made based on experience and push the use that has been made.
Slightly Review,
The advantage ..
1. Shimano is the output rod technique for Popper, the technique requires a roll of fishing as a weapon. With a length of 8 "is easy anglers reach the desired target.
2. Satisfied with all my might throw kesasaran. In addition, quite difficult for me to make any benchmarking with other popping rods as it is the only one owned popping rod.
3. It is also equipped with full fuji SIC guides, ideal for action without injuring play tug of war because the guide line provided is able to absorb the resulting frictional force between the main line and ring guide.
4. Equipped with an aluminum gimbal and this facilitates relaxation angler rod into fighting belt and thus well able to withstand the attack again.
5. It is also equipped with High Density Velvet EVA Grip, this in turn can provide a wide gengaman and effective touch handle on this rod. Besides, it also can reduce the defect when the handle is pushed when the rod is in a rod holder.
6. Manufacturing consisting of High Density Carbon fiber material and the joint state of Blank Direct to Reelseat Bonding and this in turn can give full confidence in anglers, especially during the action "U" produced during the match.
1. As the rod is intended to cram monsters, use Lure to weigh 200g and gaming capabilities 6-8PE less practical, it can be concluded here la weight rod with capacity ratio (Weight: Perfomance) categorized as moderate.
But if we see this aspect in terms kelebihanya Furthermore, this design can be classified as a rekabetuk the "Overdesign" the edge "safety factor" high!!. This is because the use of poppers up to 260g Lure can still throw a good incurred in the sea.
And the possibility that it may bear more burden if forced .. This can not be determined by its data because until now has didaratkannya GT heaviest weighing several kg only. Insyaalah on the next trip rod will work harder to pursue a real Monster GT.
With some combinations of the main advantages of the above specification, it appears worthwhile Shimano Caranx KAIBUTSU have long cast PE 6-8 rod popping nie although there are shortcomings to be fixed by the manufacturer. Custom is that, there is no perfect man made.
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