I'm very fond of this technique as it offers a shock when predators devour poppers, imagine you are pulling poppers spontaneously emerged from the back of a fish that suddenly menghantamnya, besides pose splashing water, your body is pulled and this strike will make your "bemused" and it can drive your adrenaline when you start to bend a rod and reel you start singing. Usually the victim will be surprised and his first run will cause drag sounding shrill. At the moment in the angler should impose fighting belt to prevent low back pain!
What's Popping
Popping is one of the fishing techniques that use "Artificial Lure" that are called poppers. Karauan similar techniques such as throws and casting techniques are used by anglers to trap certain species have been identified at the destination location. Casting differences with popping technique are located on different classes of sets used as examples using the stunt casting more light to play lures dive deep, shallow or surface.
While popping on my definition is seen leading to a more action heavy, rough and fittings larger settings. This technique will target prey species like hit the water surface. With pop sound produced it will attract the attention of predators. However, this technique can also be implemented using the Pencil or Swimbait popper type (Swimmer stick bytes).
Stone Bath - One of the better locations for activities popping
Usually fish are targeted based on your chosen location as an example site structure (oil rigs, wrecks, reefs, lever unjam), high essay, mountain ocean, shallow essays, Atolls (coral island), drop off (island, corals) and highway (migration roads). Among the species that typically enmeshed with this technique is like a fish popping Giant trevally (GT) are generally structured area, Tuna (YFT, DogTooth, Skipjack), Tengiri, Wahoo, Bill fish unjam area, drop off, highway and composition of fish such as grouper and bass shallow coral area.
the GT game
For this technique bait (Popper) will be thrown in the distance and a certain point (CAST), then pull (retrieve) that motion meyerupai bait fish, octopus or any victim by causing a ripple of water (splashing) on the surface of the water as if the victim was playing play surface water. For example with the pop sound produced chugger it will immediately attract the attention of fish to catch here that instances of popping it.
In addition to be able to attract the attention of predators and menggongong poppers go, settings and preparation should also be implemented depending on the size of the targeted predator. For popping heavy action, it must be considered both in terms of reel, rod, main line, leader, hook eye, and so on.
■ Lure popping aka POPPER
Front poppers are still in the preparation and completion, made from mahogany wood
In this, artificial bait called poppers highly determine the catch and the number of strikes. This popper selection should be done well and adapted to the target and location of fishing (fishing spot and area / zone). Popper is produced from hardwood molded shape swim and splash in the style required. In addition to swim style, it also will be decorated with various colors and stickers to attract predators.
Long and thin tu la poppers from type Pencil
Popper that I always use is divided in three main types, namely: -
Popper this type have a slightly shorter, with a large head with a broad concave oral surface. The more extensive the larger mouth produced pop sound. When played properly will produce the sound of water splashing elbow to attract predators. Karauan style game is in rhythm with (constant), Retrive the speed will pop sound effect when stamped chugger forward.
In addition to the pop sound, a splash of water from the mouth chugger will create waves and ripples turn will affect the movement Lures and can attract predators to examine the situation. There are several methods that are always applied, some dihenjut dikarau and fast and sometimes it dikarau and dihenjut slowly. It depends on when and where the popping is done. Often implemented rate karauan area more shallow and calm torrent. This is because the fish are so sensitive to movement poppers and slow motion and strong dihenjut required at the destination in the drop-off and powerful torrent, is to allow predators to easily detect poppers.
2. Pencil:
Pencil also seems to play a flying fish on the surface of the water, it will be rolled up quickly. This movement will result in some secluded position above the surface of the water. karauan continuously will cause it to move straight while producing a small splash of water as if the victim was running away from something.
Popper's got kind of a long and slender shape and a small head and tail lord / heavy. When played with speed, it will glide (occasionally pops) on the surface of the water with head movement who are not organized, bergoyang2 or ascending up and down according to the diredahnya square. Scrambling as fast while jerking the rod tip vertically nyentak will maximize renangannya action. I will use this pencil popper in the face of a strong wind conditions, as well as having a slim body and is able thrown away, renangannya action while producing fine bubbles also cause predators can differentiate between a wave with foam bubbles produced popper dip.
3. Swimmer (Stick Bait):
Normally use as if fish swim style and color of her illness has a great impact to attract the attention of predators. It will pull in rithm or dikarau continues unabated. Especially its shape is designed to resemble the same retrievenya ikan.Teknik pencil popper just a bit different actionnya only where it is able to sink in the water while demonstrating his swim action when in drag.
■ Rods / Rod
In selecting a rod, I prefer a long rod for this technique. Rod length will give an advantage to throw a popper throw distance required as far as possible. There are over 7ft (shortest) and 9 (the long leg). Makin rod length, the further the distance throwing poppers. More and more powerful short the lift rod. Moreover usually the popping rod will be accompanied by the following specification line rating, max drag / drag maximum, max Lures weight / maximum weight rating of rods Lures and the (M, H, MH, H, XH etc.).
In addition to the backbone is also very important in the preparation against the predators. Rods are too soft power flexural / parabolic just makes angler fatigue due to lack of power lifting and the next fight will grow old. While if too hard to be easily abused because angler angler waist equally absorbing the utmost charm predator fishing. However such bout time can be cut.
Tip / tip (2-3 feet) at the end of the rod also plays an important role in providing action on poppers, hard tips usually suitable for popper type chuger because it allows the angler to stamp hard rod poppers typically will have the smallest range of PE as an example Pe4 -6, PE6-8, PE8-10.
While poppers soft kind suitable for pencil poppers and swimbait type as slow motion at the end gives tips on different action on this rod poppers and typically will have a greater range of PE as Pe4-8, PE6-10, PE8-12.
So before you buy a fishing rod, you should know first what are the requirements, techniques and types of poppers to play. This is because out there are of plenty of rod types and classes aimed specifically designed for different needs depending on the needs of anglers.
Popping Rods are usually provided with either 2 piece or in connection Butt middle parted in the middle. With a length of more than 7 feet it is easier to carry go anywhere with reduced length.
■ Reel
For reel selection, I recommend that reel with high ratios used for this popping techniques. Due karauan a major concern during popping, high ratio will allow poppers swim fast even made casually Pull. Enough with the ratio 5.5:1 5.7:1 on like, 5.8:1. 6.1:1, while the ratio is less than 5:1 as 4.9:1, 4.8:1 will cause anglers are tired with Pull forward. However popper chugger type can still use a low ratio because it's more of a shock.
Besides ratio, anglers can also check the amount produced from a retrieve Pull round. Checking retrieve a reel high value, the higher la produced by reel Pull tersebut.Selain and retrieve ratio, anglers are advised to check the strength of the drag it produces. For heavy popping set I think we still need more than 15kg drag. However, I think it's enough just set on the strength of only 11kg-12kg angler seeding itself.
■ Rope / Line
Monofilament, tend to be used for light settings. Elastic straps are mono so it is not suitable for its retraction can not be reached solely on poppers later.
Braided / PE:
Highly recommended for use on heavy setting / extreme popping.
Benefits of PE compared Monofilament:
- Diameter smaller than Monofilament line, thereby able to dissociate throw poppers.
- No stretching / spontaneous reaction if implemented hookup process.
Main line used is usually braided line-Pe10 Pe4 capacity depends on the settings and the use of ordinary leader measuring 120 lbs up to 200 lbs. I personally prefer using a regular leader of florocarbon, because it's easier to make a bond with braided rope implemented than fluoro.
Before entering the rope reel, the following can be noted: -
1. Check main line capacity that could be completed in the spool
2. Check main line diameter size, self Poundage suitable to load into the spool
3. @ Make sure the spool in light Lubricate grease before entering main line.
4. Circumference, 2.3 times sekurang2nya on around the spool before the bond is made.
5. Apasaja can use as long as the bonds are strong and neat, friends recommend "trilene @ @ uni improved Clinch Knot" because there are some ties knot before off.
6. When enter the string sure put pressure on the main line so neatly arranged strings, entry line play directly from the outside will cause there who allow rope embedded space dicelah2 especially when drag is working.
7. Do not fill too full to play line spool can spew out especially using mono.
8. Leave some space for leaders to use jigging and popping reel
Main line capacity also depends on the size of the reel and the size of the PE used. GT hunting area for structured, I recommend the use of a large PE minimum PE6 with capacity around 150m-200m long while hunting tuna just enough PE5 maximum because it requires a line around the 300-400m.
■ equipment-other equipment:
- Glove: Dimensions hand, water resistant, strong.
- Leader Line: Monofilament, Wire, Kevlar if dogunakan mono leader, FG bond seen best as well as strong bonds it is also a neat fish and less bond book.
- Swivel
- Split Ring: Connector leader to popper
- Cutter, pliyer: For cutting wire, open / install the split ring, cut around line or leader.
From some of the trips have been made to techniques of popping, here are some information that can be shared. Never happened in the middle of my retrieve catch a glimpse of the fish are chasing poppers served, I was surprised by the reaction stopped mengulung and fish at the same time making the U-turn. This happened a few times this happened because I was shocked and speechless by the reaction.
It is important that we continue Pull and poppers shock when predators start chasing poppers, do not reduce her speed and rithm should always constant. After the new GT can be deceived and do. In addition, after we managed to get the fish and grabbed poppers, do not continue to be hookup. This can also cause popper fly out of the mouth of the fish then fish escape. We'd have to wait for the fish and howl together make U-turn. then will it be possible to hook up with all my might.
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